About Me

Welcome!  I’m so glad you’re here. My name is Vida. That’s V(i)-dah, Hebrew for “beloved one”, not VEE-dah, Spanish for “life” . . . although, honestly, I will answer to either.

I am a woman of exhausting opposites trying to find balance in this crazy life.  I am a former ballerina/cowgirl/paralegal, turned full-time wife/mother, part-time work-from-home transcriptionist, all-the-time homeschooling activist wannabe, Christian/Conservative who is totally disgusted with what comes to mind when many people think “Christian/Conservative.”

I am California dreamin’ of returning to the East Coast someday soon, but am currently involved in a ridiculous love affair with San Francisco.  I find peace in books, gardening, playing piano, and starting sewing projects that I do not finish.  I find beauty in ballet, French country, anything made of copper, and most of all my sweet daughter, who looks nothing of me and everything of her father . . . seriously I keep waiting for someone to stop me in the grocery store on suspicion of kidnapping.

Interests include the aforesaid homeschooling, English lit., a recent enthusiasm for converting my family to “real food,” a minor fascination with quantum physics (even though I am HO-rrendous at math), the fantasy that one day I will learn French by osmosis, and fueling my addiction to coffee.

Most of all, I am thankful e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y. for God’s truly amazing grace that gets me through.

For a little more on me and why I blog, check out my post: Who I Am, and Why I’m Here. Thank you for visiting! E-mail me at agracefulllife@gmail.com.



48 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Love your writing, and many of your interests are similar to mine! I have about five sewing projects to finish, one of which is a Christmas one I started nearly 3 years ago. Heh, oops.

    • Thank you so much! It’s a pleasure to meet you. I love meeting people with similar interests (or different ones too for that matter – LOL). Yes, yes, yes – the sewing projects, my goodness the sewing projects. My oldest unfinished project is from about 20 years ago!! (Ahhh, that dates me. I’m only 34, OK 35 later this month) But really, I love to sew – I’m just not what you would call a “monogamous” sewer.

  2. Pingback: “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches . . .” | Good Graciousness . . .

  3. Books and gardening – that’s two things I love as well.
    And this line “…starting sewing projects that I do not finish”. I can relate to that.
    Just replace sewing with papier mache. I’ve got 3 half done papier mache owls.

    • That’s awesome! Thank you for your comment. 🙂 I love owls btw – darn shame that they’ve suddenly become so popular. I hate that – when something I love becomes popular, because then I just look like I’m trying to be trendy. And I wanna scream, “But I liked them before they were cool!” LOL Good luck with your owls, I’m hoping to finish my scarf/blanket/million-other-things one day. 🙂

  4. Thanks for liking my introduction and I think you have done a great job on yours as well. Always great to meet fellow travelers on that rocky road known as grace!!

  5. I love how neatly and succinctly you put that article. I found myself flowing from paragraph to paragraph. Thank you for introducing yourself, and thank you for coming to my blog. 🙂
    Have a great 2014!

  6. I’ve had “learn to sew” on my to do list three years running. I wish I knew how though I’m sure if I did I would also end up “starting sewing projects that I do not finish” 🙂 but still better to know then not.

    • Exactly! Its a good practical skill. I’m a bit limited now because my machine is broken. But sewing for me also includes knitting and embroidery which I think I enjoy more anyway. You should try it! Blessings!!

  7. Thank you for reading my Blog, I love the design and format of your blog, we have similar interest and I am honored to know you, I am also fascinated by quantum physics and my daughter looks nothing like me either! talk to you soon.

    • Thank you, Savannah! I agonized over my design for format for I don’t even know how long. I tried so many theme’s it’s ridiculous. LOL I’m so glad to find someone with similar interests!! I would love to get to know you more! Talk with you soon. ~ Vida

  8. Hi there!
    Thanks for the “like”. I was in San Diego for 8 years and I made it to the DC area before settling in Pennsylvania. It’s a good, good life, indeed, thanks to God! All the best! Amy

  9. I’m always excited to find that someone has happened upon my blog and I’m even more thrilled when someone likes a post. Thank you for stopping by and for the thumbs up!

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog, Vida! Seeing your picture of pointe shoes brings back great memories. I was a ballerina until my senior year of high school — it brought me great joy! I have many UFOs (Unfinished Objects) as well — I love the creative process but just don’t always get around to finishing 🙂 Best wishes to you in 2014!

  11. Hi Vida, thank you for liking my post. So Cool! I understand your sewing “dilemma.” I usually sew and embroider my Christmas gifts and I’ve started to post those photos on my blog – but I really need to write and this causes a HUGE problem in TiME 😦
    Hence, the 30 day challenge…look forward to getting to know you 🙂

  12. Vida I ❤ your blog. It has given me inspiration to re-write my "About me" page. Will get down to that later today. My creative passion is knitting, but like so many with their sewing, I knit but don't finish the garment by sewing it up. I love the look of your blog, very clean and crisp, and you have obviously sussed out the widget thing. Still working on that one, ooops forgot to pray for God's help, find that always does the trick, but I am so busy trying to do things in my power I forget to ask in the silliest of things, but I know he is my Father and will be only too willing to help if I ask! Off to Paris in 2 days time, (Christian enviousness is allowed) would you like me to post anything on here for you? Blessings Joy x

    • Joy, you just don’t know how much that blessed my heart. Praise God that we have this tool to encourage each other. You have definitely encouraged me today. I am so envious of your trip to Paris! I hope you have an amazing time!!! Would it be too much to ask for you to share a photo or two that you take? I would love that! Best wishes ~ Vida

  13. Vida, Thank you for liking my post Mood. I like your About Me Page, your writing style is very honest and easy to read. I know it is possible to learn a language by osmosis, that is how I learned english. Best wishes to you with all your projects. Kathy

    • I’m so happy you did too! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the comment on the header! LOL. I’ve been secretly wanting someone to notice it. I love that picture. It’s so representative of my life and its many facets. My husband took it of our shoes in the mudroom. I hope to get to know you more! Best wishes ~ Vida

      • You’re very welcome! Your hubby did good -:) I need to work on a header, it’s on my to do list…LOL Cheers!

  14. Pingback: Leibster Award « Not Quite Home

  15. Pingback: liebster award! | life and loveliness

  16. Hi Vida,
    Thanks for stopping by and liking some of my posts. I always appreciate it when somebody takes the time to say something back, even if its just clicking the like button. 🙂
    I also like to read and garden, can’t stand sewing tho- (I will use duct tape!)

  17. Pingback: Sisterhood of the World… | Forty, c'est Fantastique !

    • Thank you so much! It is such an honor to be chosen by other awesome bloggers. I have already received this once, and I do not suppose that precludes me from doing it again. But it may take me a while to do so at the moment, I’m afraid. I loved checking out your blog, and I can’t wait to see more! Again, I am very honored you thought of me. Thank you and many blessings.
      ~ Vida

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